Tuesday, June 12, 2012

13.1 Done!

I am proud to say that I rocked 13.1!  It was one of the most rewarding accomplishments I have achieved on my road to healthy living.  Let me tell you though, it's been a long road getting to where I'm at today.

A year ago around this time I was over weight and under going surgery for appendicitis.   My doctor warned me that I needed to do something about my weight and so I got serious about my fitness.  I joined All About You! Wellness BootCamp and reintroduced Team 5K & Tacos to the world.  It was the best thing I could have done for myself.

Two weeks ago I was dreading this race, knowing I hadn't trained as hard as I had wanted to and race day was approaching all too quickly.  Race weekend came and I was still super nervous but with the support of my fellow Tacos I was also pumped and knew that I could do it, it was my race to run.  That was something I repeated to myself throughout the morning, run your own race.  And that is exactly what I did.

I kept a slower pace, never pushing my body too hard to make sure I had enough in me to make it to that finish line.  I stopped at every water station for a drink and used my GU as extra support.  It worked!  I managed to at least slow jog the entire hilly course.  It was amazing!  The atmosphere was a buzz with excitement and it was contagious.  It also helped to know that there were 4 other Tacos running this same course with me.  Not to mention Jackie, my team support, showing up multiple times on the race course with her bright neon sign cheering me on.  RUN MICHELE RUN!  It made all the difference in the world feeling that love.

My goal was to finish in under 3 hours.  I came in at 3 hours 7 minutes and 59 seconds.  This just leaves me with a new goal to reach, finishing my next half marathon in under 3 hours.  I had my finisher's medal engraved and it's now proudly hanging next to my other medals.  I can't wait for that next race.  I was so proud of myself, I never thought I could do it but you all proved to me that I can, we all can.

Thank you so much for the support.  Lots of love to you!


If you ran this race, or any other, and would like to share your story on this blog, send it to me in an email and I'll publish it here for you.

Me & Summer, post race

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