Monday, March 26, 2012

T5K&T Google Group

Hi Team and those interested in joining our team!  Did you know that we have a Google Group?  It's the main form of communication used to organize trainings and races.

If you aren't a member and want to be one, let me know and I'll send you the invitation.  I believe you can view the group by going here:

Once you are a member, you can edit your settings to receive emails on your schedule or not at all (you can choose to check in via the web as you want).

I try to keep the Facebook page updated with current information as well but this is a more intimate way of communicating with each other.  It also helps keep everything in one place so you don't feel like T5K&T is flooding your inbox!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon

Are you ready to run?  Well then, I've got a challenge for you!  The San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon is June 3rd and Team 5K & Tacos is in!  Are you?

The last race we ran together was a 5K back in September.  I know that I've been keeping up on my training but the team hasn't had a group training session since Thanksgiving.  I hope that this half marathon will get us back in the groove.

The great thing about the San Diego Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon is that they offer a 2-person relay team option.  This is great for those ready to step up into 10K territory and slightly beyond.  Personally, I want to push myself to be ready for this half marathon.

If you're interested in running this race with us, drop a comment and let me know.  Right now there are 6 members ready to rock 'n' roll.  And everyone knows, the more the merrier!

Go to the official website for more info:


Thursday, March 22, 2012


I'm committed to this group as a fun outlet to exercise and spend quality time with some of my favorite ladies!  So with this new blog format, I vow to keep Team 5K & Tacos going at a new level.  I hope that you will join me for the ride, um, I mean run :-)

What started as an email chain among a couple of friends, planning a taco night and possibly running a 5K together, has now turned into an amazing group of women encouraging each other to always finish!

We have run a couple of great 5Ks together and have had some even greater (read: lots of fun) training and eating sessions.  This group is open to any female interested in a social way to get some exercise in.  It's really informal but I try to keep it fairly organized.  There is a great atmosphere of camaraderie so even if you're not necessarily a runner, I think you'll get a lot out of Team 5K & Tacos.

Send me a message to be added to the Google Group.  This will enable that you get the latest updates on runs, training sessions, and social activities right to your inbox!

We've also got a Facebook page for updates, photos and more:

Thanks for being a part of this.  I'm looking forward to a lot of great events. 
Stay tuned for more info!